How to upgrade from AlmaLinux 8 to AlmaLinux 9

2023-01-27 By Nathan 40095 Views linux almalinux upgrade
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AlmaLinux is developed by the AlmaLinux OS Foundation established as a non-profit to steward ownership. The void created by the end of the CentOS Linux stable release is filled by AlmaLinux OS, an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system. AlmaLinux OS is a community-driven 1:1 binary compatible clone of RHEL®.

This tutorial walks readers through the process of upgrading AlmaLinux 8 to AlmaLinux 9.

NOTE: Always backup the server before you make major changes.

  1. Update the server and make sure all software installed is up to date, running the latest release of AlmaLinux 8.

    Type in the following command in the console to update.

    # yum update -y


  2. After the update is completed, reboot the server.

    # reboot


  3. Once the server has been restarted, verify that it is running the latest AlmaLinux release.

    # cat /etc/os-release


  4. Downloading the elevate testing repository is the next step. Elevate aids in distributions based on the RHEL version migration. Run the next command to down the repository.

    # curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/elevate-testing.repo


  5. Confirm that the repository is added by running the following command.

    # ls /etc/yum.repos.d/ | grep elevate


  6. Import the Elevate GPG key.

    # rpm --import


  7. Disable SELinux.

    # vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux


  8. Change SELinux mode to Disabled.



    NOTE: Once the upgradation process is completed, change the SELinux option to enforcing.

  9. Reboot after disabling SELinux.

    # reboot


    NOTE: If the SELinux is already disabled on the server, skip step 4.

  10. Disable the firewalld ZoneDrifting feature.

    # vim /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf


  11. Disable Zonedrifting by changing yes to no.



  12. Install leapp packages.

    # yum install -y leapp-upgrade leapp-data-almalinux


  13. Run a pre-upgrade check.

    # leapp preupgrade


  14. Upgrade AlmaLinux 8 to AlmaLinux 9 now.

    # leapp upgrade


  15. Reboot after the upgrade.

    # reboot


  16. Once rebooted, check the OS version.

    # cat /etc/os-release


The server has successfully upgraded from Almalinux 8 to Almalinux 9.

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